Trisomy 21 & other genetic conditions

Trisomy 21 & other genetic conditions

Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy can help to support families with children with disabilities including Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome) as well as a multitude of other neurological and genetic conditions.

Many children with a genetic or neurological condition will experience symptoms such as

  • low muscle tone
  • high or fluctuating muscle tone
  • hypermobility
  • dyspraxia or difficulty with planning and coordinating movements
  • global developmental delay
  • mobility difficulties that require supportive equipment
  • posture concerns that require adaptive seating or positioning equipment
  • concerning gait or walking patterns
  • foot and ankle instability that require orthotic prescription
  • balance difficulties
  • gross and fine motor difficulties

Physiotherapy is able to assist children experiencing these difficulties to achieve their physical and functional goals through intervention programs which may consist of

  • gross motor therapy
  • aquatic therapy
  • community therapy with home or school visits
  • equipment prescription

For more information on how our collaborative therapy approach can support your child, please contact us.