Severs Disease

Severs Disease
  • Cause of heel pain in children typically between the ages of nine and fourteen
  • Result of a disturbance of the final development of the heel growth plate
  • Inflammation and pain occur as a result of the excessive force the Achilles tendon creates by pulling on the calcaneus (heel bone)


  • Pain in the lower calf and heel area
  • Pain exacerbated with activity, particularly running or jumping
  • Pain may increase when pressure applied to both sides of heel
  • May affect gait pattern, causing a limp if severe
  • Can be bilateral (both sides)



  • Will resolve as skeletal maturity is reached
  • Physiotherapy can assist to relieve symptoms
  • Pain management techniques
  • Exercise prescription
  • Foot biomechanical assessments and correction with orthotics or heel wedges
  • Deloading taping techniques
  • Footwear recommendations
  • Activity modification advice and assistance to return to activity