why choose us
Paediatric Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy
We are experienced in working with children of all ages and able to identify the cause for movement delays and difficulty. This allows us to create an individualised intervention plan that is best suited for your child and works for your family’s individual situation.
Play Based Therapy
Our therapists are passionate about supporting your child to achieve their movement goals through a play based and fun environment. Therapy doesn’t have to be hard work – we make it fun!
Move to learn
Our physiotherapy team is enthusiastic to help your children achieve their movement milestones and develop their functional goals through fun movement experiences.
Aquatic Therapy
Our collaborative approach to aquatic therapy between our Physiotherapists and therapy assistants means that your child progresses from strength based therapy in the supportive aquatic environment to swim safety and swim technique. We support your child to always be progressing in the right direction.
Collaborative Therapy
Our physiotherapists collaborate with our Occupational Therapist as well as all other allied health providers involved in the team care of each of the children we work with. You can ensure your child’s therapy is being looked after by the whole therapy team.
Family Goals
Our therapists are dedicated to working with the whole family in achieving their goals for their children. Each family is individual and so each program should be individualised to support each child.